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9/1/2016 c1 Guest
7/13/2016 c1 11Richard-Grayson-Wayne
I'm waiting for the reveal cat, I could've sworn I read it at one point but it doesn't exist so I'm waiting for it.
8/4/2015 c1 9wingedsilverfang222
You are amazing. Seriously I've just read all of your werewolf!robin fics and I am really hoping that there is another one. Loving daddy bats.
Thumbs up amd keep up the good work!
4/1/2015 c1 xPug99x
You should have a chalant story of this!
3/30/2015 c1 36PainInSilence
12/2/2014 c1 Haru
You just stole like 2 hours of my life with your addictive Werewolf!Robin stuff.
*slow clap*
Well done. Well done.
10/26/2014 c1 SuperCreativeName
I really like your werewolf robin series. It's really good. Every part of it has been well written and engaging. Are you going to do a part where the team finds out about Robin being a werewolf? I would really like to read that one.
8/2/2014 c1 3Katsala
I'm a big fan of these stories. I'd really like to see a member of the Team, maybe Artemis, find out and have to adjust to it.
4/30/2014 c1 10Saturn Seraphim
Mffgh this is so good ;O;

Also, can I make a suggestion for a werewolf fic? :D


I just found out

There is a wolf moon
on jan 15th

4/27/2014 c1 3Laude Dei
I liked it XD
3/12/2014 c1 1rainydays42
I've recently discovered your werewolf stories, and I love them! They're all so well written and creative. This one is by far my favorite though! I would really like to see more stories with hunters! Hunters or no, publish a new werewolf!robin series soon :)
3/6/2014 c1 Robin
haha the ad at the bottom of the page is for the game GOTHAM CITY RUSH from BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD... Haha... ha... yeah...
3/4/2014 c1 turret towers do tower
These hunters are so misguided and MEAN.
3/4/2014 c1 14Obsessivebookdiva
I personally enjoy when Wally and Roy are involved.
3/4/2014 c1 14Sairey13
How long did it took for Bruce and Alfred to find out Dick was a Werewolf when he came to live with them? I bet they were probably shocked and confused on finding a wolf the first time Dick transformed at Wayne Manor (Or the forest, if he snuck out)... Do you think we can have a story on that? That would be awesome!
If you don't, it's alright; you make one of the best Werewolf Dick Grayson one-shots/stories.
As always, can't wait to see your next update!

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