Just In
for Quote-ful

1/2/2017 c3 Kimchee2222
How I met ur mother! Yellow umbrella! I hope that was the intention because or else it seems like I'm just being weird lol.
1/2/2017 c8 Kimchee2222
They r just so fluffy and deep at the same time! That's my favorite!
1/2/2017 c7 Kimchee2222
OMG THIS IS SO GREAT! I love this so much! I write little jelsa plot bunnies (but I'm not a good enough writer to actually post them they r kinda just for me) and I could totally see certain scenes but in a different plot of mine... so was kind of fangirling on a whole new level! They r so adorable! Fabulous job!
1/2/2017 c4 Kimchee2222
Omg chapter 4 is so adorable! I love all of this!
7/16/2015 c8 tongtongyip
your stories are just sooooo nice! keep it up! Btw, what's your tumblr account?
7/13/2015 c7 1Smurfette101
this here is the original jelsa cliché. love this chapter. <3
1/3/2015 c9 ElvisRules41
Great, now you got Speak Now stuck in my head! ; )

I think my favorite out of all of them was the seventh one. You know, the Alice in Wonderland one?

Where do you find all these quotes? You need to PM me some of these, cuase these are the bomb!

Best wishes,

12/3/2014 c8 5PrinceOfChange
12/3/2014 c7 PrinceOfChange
I can't do it anymore! The adorable is murdering me!
7/15/2014 c9 ILOVEAMERICA
OMG THIS IS AMAZING! :D Carry on updating!
7/13/2014 c9 sykim423rose
What are you talking about, you crazy person! Your stories are amazing and that was brilliant!
I love all your short scenes!
Thank you for everything
6/25/2014 c9 Guest
It was ok i geuss.
6/23/2014 c9 Smurfette
6/10/2014 c8 Smiley
Legit beautiful. keep up the amazing writing :)
5/30/2014 c9 1adrianazaba
Please continue! It's so good! i really love it coz its so awesome! They are so cute! Please continue!
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