Just In
for Poker Night

3/19/2014 c3 2Of-Spoilers-and-Bowties
I love this story so much! I would like a sneek peek please. :) DID YOU SEE THE HUG!? LOVED IT!
3/19/2014 c3 Chymom
Would love to read anything! Loving this story and I could see this on the show. It's a great story for a kick butt show!
3/19/2014 c3 9heheyyho
I like their interactions here!
And yes please, I've never had a sneak peek in fanfictions before XD Exciting!
3/18/2014 c3 52DaughterOfPoseidon333
Great chapter! And what you did with the thigh-holster was perfect! Loved Gabriel teasing her :)
Sneak peak? Yes please! I would love to read a bit of what happens next before you post the whole thing :)
3/17/2014 c1 shay
i love it you have to continue
3/17/2014 c2 8KTaylorCSI
Great way to end! Can't wait for an update!
3/14/2014 c2 Melou
Wow this story is great !
I can't wait to read the next chapter :D
3/14/2014 c2 40evincis
Something definately seems off. I'm curious to find out more. Keep going.
3/14/2014 c2 bellislefan
oh boy
3/13/2014 c2 Puckish879
Oh my gosh, you didn't just end it there! ACK! LOL Please update soon! ;o)
3/13/2014 c1 2hawk1989
I liked it so far. You caught the characters pretty good, in my opinion. So keep updating :)
3/13/2014 c1 bellislefan
this should be good :)
3/13/2014 c1 40evincis
The dialogue is quite realistic. I like it. Good job.
3/12/2014 c1 Puckish879
Cute! This sounds like it's going to be a great read! I feel like you have captured the characters well and I love to read fics that read like they could be an actual episode! ;o) Please update soon!
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