Just In
for Here Comes the Sun

7/1/2017 c5 lumierehere
AAHHH I've been going through your les mis fics and I love them all (Especially The Medical Student and his Protege!) I actually first found your stuff on AO3 but I came over here to read "Protege" and now I'm going through everything! I love your Enjolras and Combeferre characterizations, dynamics, and stories! How they're so close like brothers... I love it. I was wondering if there's any hope this fic will ever be continued?

Anyway! Your writing is amazing and I enjoy reading your works! Thank you for writing!
5/21/2015 c5 Sarah
why have u abandoned such great fic? it would be amazing if there was a chance for another chapter
5/2/2014 c5 21dancergrl1
Aww. Poor Combeferre! It sucks that he has to deal with a drunk Monsieur Enjolras. Keep going!
5/2/2014 c5 42Phoenixflames12
Thank you for this lovely update! The conversation between Combeferre and Enjolras' father was really well written- the tone of desperate anxiety you had running there is heartbreaking and although I still can't forgive him for his behaviour completely, I am beginning to see his side of the story now- can't wait to see where you go with that plot thread Mon Ami!
Thank you too for bringing Eponine into this story line- I ship Combeferre/Eponine so hard it hurts sometimes and again, I'm intrigued to see where you go from here!
Another brilliant chapter my dear, please keep going and update when you can!
Much love,
Phoenixflames12 xxx
5/2/2014 c4 Guest
Please update this, I miss it
4/4/2014 c4 46guineamania
This story is amazing mon ami! I've finally had time to sit down and read it and it is so heartwrenching to see Enjolras like this!
4/1/2014 c4 25KsandraMallan
Definitely liking this fic, and I want to see more :)
3/26/2014 c4 Guest
This is a great story :)
3/26/2014 c4 Jen
Ooooh darling little Enjolras! I really, really enjoy this story. It's wonderfully written and I like how protective Combeferre is of his friend. I actually hope you make Eponine babysit Enjolras. I wonder how you write those two together. I've also never read a story where Eponine is older than Enjolras, that could be interesting. Maybe like some sort of older sister. Please update soon! I love this
3/24/2014 c4 84Rosebud5
Awww! A long and beautifully tragic chapter! This is one of your best, mon ami! I was so excited to see you updated this. A wonderful, wonderful job! Poor Enjolras baby… I just love him.

Update soon! Stay revolutionary!

3/24/2014 c4 42Phoenixflames12
Oh darling- thank you for making my day seem a whole lot brighter with this wonderful update! Combeferre's concerns mixed with Enjolras' fears are wonderfully written and I am praying that both of them come out of this in one piece- please can they? The rest of this is stunningly written and I can't wait to see where you go from here! Please keep going, believe in your abilities and update when you can!
Much love,
Phoenixflames12 x
3/23/2014 c3 Guest
Loving this story, please update soon! Thank you so much
3/22/2014 c3 25KsandraMallan
Oh wow... I love this new fic. Nice to see Enj's father portrayed as not evil for once, just grieving and drunk. Will definitely be keeping an eye on this!
3/21/2014 c3 8J91
Poor E. I hope it's not too bad with him.
3/21/2014 c3 Guest
Oh poor Enjolras. I hope he'll be okay... And I like how you made Combeferre react to Enjolras' father. He should feel sorry for a while, because it's not okay to hit your son. Never. I really liked this chapter, well done. Looking forward to an update!
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