4/8/2016 c3 Guest
Oh come talk you fools
Oh come talk you fools
10/11/2014 c6 J.B.F.Fan
I just read the story again cause I thought there was an update. Do you think eventually you might finish it?
I just read the story again cause I thought there was an update. Do you think eventually you might finish it?
10/11/2014 c6 2Julz19
Man that's a shame I really like this story too! )': I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. :/ but can you answer one question for me please? Was Santana and Rachel ever getting back together or were they just stay frenemies? Pretty please with cherry on top!((: pm me!
Man that's a shame I really like this story too! )': I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. :/ but can you answer one question for me please? Was Santana and Rachel ever getting back together or were they just stay frenemies? Pretty please with cherry on top!((: pm me!
4/12/2014 c4 4nmoKor508
I don't think Rachel should be with San after she replaced with an ex after one shows that San never truly likes should know that she has hurt Rachel too .She was not innocent
I don't think Rachel should be with San after she replaced with an ex after one shows that San never truly likes should know that she has hurt Rachel too .She was not innocent
4/5/2014 c3 Guest
3/19/2014 c1 Quinntana2
:)(: Team Santana all the way for this one. I agree with Kurt on Rachel's attitude. Plus she said some really harsh things and even slapped Santana. I like this little spin on the show with the plot of having them girlfriends. Good start. Please write more.
:)(: Team Santana all the way for this one. I agree with Kurt on Rachel's attitude. Plus she said some really harsh things and even slapped Santana. I like this little spin on the show with the plot of having them girlfriends. Good start. Please write more.