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for Red Moon and Black Ice

10/9/2018 c12 ayeshaazam1998
Oh my GOSH! Please continue this! I love the suspense! XD
3/28/2017 c11 Guest
Please continue
8/5/2016 c12 TatiCB24
Omg! Please continue this! I love it a lot! I really want to know the ending! This is awesome!
6/26/2016 c12 guest
Update please!
6/25/2016 c12 shipperfreak
Ah cliffhangers, they're so much fun to write but when you're on the readers end THEY ARE TORTURE! Please update! Please! This story is getting too good!
6/25/2016 c11 shipperfreak
Excuse my language for a moment but what the f***?! Seriously?! It was Jack? Are you serious?! I didn't see that coming! Please update! I'm still in shock!
6/25/2016 c10 shipperfreak
Well it's about time those two got properly introduced after two slaps and a kiss. I wonder what Manny has planned.
6/25/2016 c9 shipperfreak
Nightlight finally makes an appearance. This story just keeps getting better. Please update soon I'm getting near the last chapter!
6/25/2016 c8 shipperfreak
I loved Elsa's song! I could just picture the whole scene in my mind. It was good and usually I don't like musical numbers in fanfictions but you made the song fit Elsa's personality. The incidental kiss is my favorite ending by far. I hope you update soon!
6/25/2016 c7 shipperfreak
So Elsa is the key? What are North and Sandy hiding? You have me at the edge of my seat.
6/25/2016 c6 shipperfreak
Okay so there's another villain or is he neutral? Again loved the fight scene!
6/24/2016 c5 shipperfreak
Elsa's battle scene was beautifully written. I loved every second of it. What is Manny planning? Scratch that, what are you planning you devious writer? You're the spinner of this tale and you write in riddles! Please update soon, please!
6/24/2016 c4 shipperfreak
I only have three words for this chapter: ...WHAT THE HELL?!
6/24/2016 c3 shipperfreak
Aww! The scene between Elsa and Agnes was extremely cute! If only Jack knew Elsa called Bunny a kangaroo. That would be priceless. The guardians are in space? I want to see how that plays out. Also Elsa's frost could evaporate the black frost. That would make her Pitch's strongest enemy, next to Sandy of course. Why is there a blizzard of black snow in Jack's hometown? And why're some of Tooth's fairies missing?
6/24/2016 c2 shipperfreak
Black frost? So, has Pitch found a way to manipulate his powers into something like Jack's, like he had with Sandy? It would make him very powerful. The fact that he can manipulate Sandy's power into his own nightmares makes him a dangerous villain. But if he could manipulate Jack's powers too? Well this alternate universe is going to go through some serious shit. Loved the chapter, I hope you update this story
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