Just In
for Tale's of a Nobody

7/16/2017 c4 ChaoticMinds
Hrm. A rather abrupt way for Danny to be hanging around there... What about Amity? Who will protect it? And how long does Danny plan to stay in his ghost form there? He needs to eat and sleep still.
11/23/2015 c4 percab8531
Hey please continue this!
4/16/2014 c4 8Heroofthe13thDay
I like it! Danny is helping but being mysterious at the same time. Will he meet the Golden Trio?
4/1/2014 c4 Guest
Oooh, more please, this is awesome!
3/30/2014 c3 2Sina Xiel
Haha I love this its intriguing. I wanna see what the twins do! XD
3/29/2014 c3 Chlozzz
I love this, can't wait for the next chapter!
It's interesting, the story is well written and I'm really curious how Danny ended up in Hogwarts and why.
Hope you update soon! :)
3/27/2014 c3 Guest
Haha, this sounds awesome. I can hardly wait to see what happens next!
3/28/2014 c3 4blueorgray1236
Cant wait to see the prank! I love how you have Danny so secretive, i hope he stays that way for a while!
3/26/2014 c3 anonymous chick
Please update soon, doll!
3/27/2014 c3 21Vitaliciouscreations
Oh boy. I just can't wait to see what they scheme up. Still, I'd love to see a little more with Luna and Danny.
3/26/2014 c3 3516ckelmen
Oh how I love the trouble makers, they make life all the funner (funner is so a word! : P)
3/26/2014 c3 KazeChi
This is so amusing, I can't wait to see what happens
3/24/2014 c1 Guest
Please Continue!
3/24/2014 c2 Guest
Ooooh me likey this. So why is Danny here? Why did he leave home? Where is he in the DP Timeline? What HP book is this in? What are the pairings? Will Danny end up with Sam or Luna? Does Dani exist?
Oooooooh this sounds really cooool! Please update. :)
3/26/2014 c3 32charlietheepic7
umbitch won't know what hit her. if she gets kicked out, can danny be the new DADA teacher?
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