Just In
for Reflections, a series of One shots

8/27/2014 c3 2WritingMagic725
Awwww I missed those two! It was oh so adorable and of course well written as things by you usually are. But I want more! Is that asking a lot... Probably but I don't care! I missed your writing! Go read the Revenge of Seven because as brilliant as it is... I like your version of events better.
8/17/2014 c3 lucy smith
Six and Sam one shot please, Six and Sam please
8/17/2014 c3 ashwini
That was awesome!
At least it was a funny one this time; a one shot that didn't leave me in tears of sadness
Please update your main story soon!
8/16/2014 c3 3readerlover15
Could you do a nix one-shot?
4/16/2014 c2 3scone104
Oh, I like this song, kind of... but this was really nice :) And when he said he had one in his heart that was adorable! I really like these, so please update sooN!
4/16/2014 c2 lordpujan
are you going to do one of these for the rest of the grade swell, i mean with their cepans?
anyways this was awesome!
hope yo update this one shot regularly :)
4/16/2014 c1 lordpujan
this is really good, although this is really mushy stuff (which i particularly enjoy) its really good!
4/16/2014 c2 EpicLoric24
Oh this is so... OML! Really heartwarming and heartbreaking.
So great and sad. Go Adam! For One!
It was easier for me to understand since I know the song. Really sweet and hope-raising. So full of emotions.

Please update soon. Please.
4/16/2014 c2 2TomFieldings
This was so beautiful... I love it. Everything about this was so climatic, and yet so peaceful, it's like sinking into an ocean of thought and reflection. Great job.
I love how you've incorporated the song, it's one my favourites, and it fits in so perfectly with this story. This couldn't have been done better. Amazing work.
Update soon!
Yours truly,
4/16/2014 c2 2Shazzanips
A different structure of writing but still very enjoyable :) do you think you'll go into any more depth about Adam x One or was this the only snippet? Can't wait to see what else you have in store for the Garde! P.S I 3 Jason Mraz!
4/9/2014 c1 6Meerkat78
That is so amazing and sad. I'm actually crying now :...-(
3/24/2014 c1 2WritingMagic725
Wow TSG, I really liked this, despite my having just noticed its existence. It was a really accurate way of describing Marina's feelings and love the, I am now Number Seven bit, I can totally seeing that happening next book. Great song pick too, perfect for the time. It was super sad, but yet really deep and all so yeah great job.
3/23/2014 c1 EpicLoric24
OH VERY LOVELY! Beautiful! Bitter-sweet.

The strong Seven is here. The warrior. The one who will win for Eight. I just love this. One of the best Navrina one-shots. And I've seen alot XD
3/22/2014 c1 3scone104
That hurt... I love and hate angst at the same time but that was just plain mean! Brilliant, and amazingly written, but how could you? :((( Ahhhh Marina. (Love the song too)
3/21/2014 c1 2124 Lines
This is very beautiful and expressive. I like it a lot!
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