Just In
for Natsu Shinigami God Slayer

10/5/2015 c24 FatherofApokalypse
Does natsu know that he is E.N.D now?
9/16/2015 c24 Guest
Make more of this please it's the best story I've ever read
9/15/2015 c5 WTF
#Learn Fucking English!
9/3/2015 c24 KrOzEr
The Story was so BadAss ,it was Epicc,just like me :"] ,The chapters was too long ,but still exciting ,the 24th chapter had a good end ,so u can just end it like its a first season if u want , or go on
im happy with any decision u make ,i will accept hapilly :F . So yea ,seeya
8/24/2015 c13 Guest
Seriously? You call this horrible piece of work a story? I mean yeah it had its good points but it's spelled like a 12 year old empty kid with daddy issues, if you actually took this seriously you would have an amazing fanfic, but alas there is no such thing...
8/15/2015 c24 sneak13579
update please.
8/8/2015 c1 Erda.v122
8/8/2015 c24 Erda.v122
8/2/2015 c24 frozem1
I liked the chapter!
8/1/2015 c17 eddCDS
7/20/2015 c10 BlackDragonShinigami
Cool story
6/1/2015 c7 3nerdnproud
You know. I imagined that when he was rapping he looked like Bee from Naruto right? Lol. Giggity. :D
6/1/2015 c4 nerdnproud
O.K. What does Natsu look like again? I mean what clothes does he wear! I want him to look cool~ -GrummbleS-

:D #LikeABoss
5/28/2015 c1 Desmond the Bear
5/24/2015 c1 Aria8
That was hilarious! That was one of the few fanfics that's actually made me laugh loudly! Thank you, i will love the next chapter I'm sure.
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