Just In
for Gohan's Redemption

7/7/2014 c3 Victor Taram
what a great story! I can't wait the next chapter!
6/3/2014 c3 44the bird of the chapel
Story's being too slow. You've got the premise and obviously you can write, so I think you can do better with the pacing. Too many thoughts. Didn't really read; just skimmed through since it didn't grab my attention. Thought I was reading a DBZ fanfic and not a crossover, even though I get that you were trying to set things up first.
4/24/2014 c3 SherriexKaiser
Hope you update soon
It's good
4/17/2014 c3 timijaf
Good chapter keep up the good work
4/1/2014 c2 1TS24
Really great story so far, very interested in seeing what will happen next
Update Soon
3/31/2014 c2 Innocentsmile
Keep it up dude .gr8 story :)
3/31/2014 c2 GumGumOnigiri
Brilliant read so far, please continue!
3/31/2014 c2 Guest
No proud dsiyan would enjoy watching amother siyan suffer under gtieza. Radiz is just a Scumbag
3/30/2014 c2 Young IV
This story is great and I'm sure people won't waiting longer for longer chapters
3/30/2014 c1 Young IV
Good start please update
3/25/2014 c1 Guest
Not bad
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