Just In
for A Mother and A Daughter

12/31/2016 c2 3Petrobella
Really love the story, with the mother daughter interactions in this chapter
12/31/2016 c1 Petrobella
Haha couldn't stop myself laughing when I read Riley's mother's maiden name since it's the last name of the actor playing Riley
4/2/2014 c1 10Effie17
Good little story.
3/29/2014 c2 Guest
please write more stuff :))))
3/28/2014 c1 1red lighting
love this and the show
3/26/2014 c1 Puckish879
aww...I liked it! Cute! and yes...please don't let this show get cancelled! I swear, I see some of the other shows that are still on and I'm like "really?"
3/24/2014 c1 Jaci
I loved it. Very creative twist on a mother and daughter relationship.
3/23/2014 c1 Alesia
loved it :)
3/24/2014 c1 34chymom
Loved this. Could see this happing!
3/24/2014 c1 2Intelligencemanic
awwww i was hoping for riley and her mother to forgive each other or something, but ii like it! please continue.

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