Just In
for Halfway into the Night

7/13/2015 c1 2TheCandyChild
Oh my God Al xD I like how he's all worried for a puzzle that took him 3 days to finish
7/13/2014 c1 GummyDrive
In a parallel universe where they get to be normal, hormonal teenagers... Lol! Love it! And I love Trisha amd Hoenheim!
3/25/2014 c1 24xIcyChanx
I love this! How did an idea like that occur to you? Nothing AU occurs to me that can be written as a one-shot! Every AU thought expands so much it becomes a multi-chapter fic in the end. 'xD
3/24/2014 c1 9jaclynkaileigh
Don't be sad about how this turned out! I think it is a success! Not only do I know specifically the episode of That 70's Show, but of course I'm excited it was meshed with FMA! I actually like your version much better: ) you have such talent. Can't wait to see what will be next!
3/24/2014 c1 Spaghettifairy119
Naaah don't be hard on yourself it was pretty cute :) BUT WHY IS PINAKO IN JAIL? (Probably DUI if this AU has cars)...haaaaa Ed you freaking rascal-sneaking Winry into your bedroom XD loved this entire thing:)!
Especially Hoho's unicorn dreams (nice touch)

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