Just In
for The Brothers

4/9/2023 c5 Kathlyn Eroles
It's good:(( too bad you're not writing anymore
6/20/2020 c5 vampygurl402
please update!
2/15/2019 c5 7Kaito Echizen

Kaito is hungry wants to eat
3/26/2018 c5 5Neko-fire demon tempest
Very interested in seeing where you take this story.
10/9/2017 c1 erudite.cielo
i still hope that ryoma will remember his biological brother...
10/9/2017 c1 erudite.cielo
i still hope that ryoma will remember his biological brother...
5/20/2017 c5 kagome higurashi
please write some more. it's good.
7/23/2016 c5 lucien.francine
More chapter please
6/25/2016 c5 Daiske Kazuki
love it so far
3/9/2016 c5 kagome higurashi
please write some more. it's good.
12/11/2015 c5 kagome higurashi
please write some more. it's good.
11/12/2015 c5 Bloody kitten
Please update!
10/6/2015 c5 Anime100
This is truly very interesting to read; please update soon
9/11/2015 c5 Guest
ryoga x ryoma only
7/18/2015 c5 Storm
I love your story so much .Please update !
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