Just In
for The Mystery Shack's Night After Summerween Madness

2/23/2015 c8 776The Cowardly Christian
That's curious, why do you think wendy was asking for it?
2/10/2015 c9 The Cowardly Christian
Okay, I don't know if you'll get this or not. I don't know how to send private messages, I haven't been able to contact markmak. I have a deviant account, but my computer won't let me send a message to him. If you could pass a message to him or know another way to contact him, I'd appreciate it!
Also, the behemoth is just my name for the giant red cyclops creature that lives in elmore forest.

Have a good day!
1/23/2015 c8 2CN girl
this... this is indeed a masterpiece!
and for me it felt like as it actually happened in the cartoon!
it has EVERYTHING, the parts that make you terrified (especially chapter 7) the parts that make you wonder and the parts that make you smile or go emotional.
the story and the plot its self was AMAZING and I can safely say that this is one of the BEST fan fictions I have ever read!
10/31/2014 c8 Guest
This is amazing
10/31/2014 c10 NoLongerActive165223
10/14/2014 c9 591Exotos135
Good trivia.
10/14/2014 c8 Exotos135
This was a pretty good read. I liked it. :)

Keep up the good work.
10/14/2014 c7 Exotos135
One word: Epic.
10/14/2014 c6 Exotos135
A pretty good chapter.
10/14/2014 c5 Exotos135
silly Dipper, the police would be useless, period.

"It's more like an interdimentional pocket on my body." maybe the rest of animated characters have them? If so, that would explain so much.

"I guess that would wake up even a dead body!" not something that Dipper would want to try after last time, anyway.

Going to the next chapter.
10/14/2014 c4 Exotos135
Who would have thought emotional issues had the ability to turn someone into a monster?

Going to the next chapter.
10/14/2014 c3 Exotos135
This is pretty intriguing.
10/7/2014 c9 NoLongerActive165223
Wow... How you turned gravity falls into a James Bond movie is impressive. You should make a sequel! It had me on the edge some times. Nicely done, nicely done.
9/29/2014 c3 1DarkSuicune2000
Okay, what just happened?
9/29/2014 c2 DarkSuicune2000
Well, at least Soos is safe, but they do need to get rid of the candy, I don't want to find out what happens if he eats it all.
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