Just In
for Reversing Waterloo

2/6/2015 c1 10Angelfish369
Do you think you will add on to this? :) It's just so much fun! I can't imagine what brilliant ideas Taichi will have to come up with to reverse waterloo, but would love to find out! Also love your sarcastic and funny tone, especially between Taichi and Yamato.
6/13/2014 c1 23Piper-Weasley
Oh my god this is so interesting and amazing, update soon!
4/6/2014 c1 2Zatheko
Very nice! It's well written and I like the idea as well!

Look forward to more!
4/4/2014 c1 gfdgf
Looking good :)
4/3/2014 c1 9Digi-fanCatt
Yes. That is all that can be said. Just, yes.

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