Just In
for No man is an island

3/6/2015 c1 Conny
Schöne Story!
Ich mag H/C. Dafür frisch ich sogar mein Englisch wieder auf. :D
Du schreibst sehr bildhaft! Super!
Danke fürs Lesevergnügen!

Kannst du evtl. auch mal eine Geschichte in deutscher Sprache veröffentlichen?

Liebe Grüße! Conny.
5/15/2014 c1 16JeanyQueen
great one shot love it
4/11/2014 c1 11staceyyyy
nawww - the 'Always' at the end was too cute :)
4/10/2014 c1 3TheOddManOut
Nice :)
4/10/2014 c1 lulubell76
I enjoyed reading your story and cant wait for more.. One little thing at the time this was set Felicity was not his EA yet.
4/10/2014 c1 sakura-blossom62
This was just so sweet because this means that Felicity had planned to place those stones on the graves. I love how you went about describing Oliver's thoughts and the fact that Felicity was able to knock him out was just amazing.

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