Just In
for Child of Winter Solstice

9/9 c33 Guest
I hope you return one day.
6/21 c33 1Quetzalcoatl99
I know that I am really late for this and you might never even see this but i want you to know that this story was one of the first i ever really got into and holds a special place in my heart, and even though you may never see this or finish this beautiful work of art I want you to know that I still hold on to the hope for your return and still wait patiently for you to come back to us.
6/16 c33 Guest
I don’t know if there’s a chance this can continue, but this is still one of the best crossover fics I’ve ever had the pleasure and privilege of reading. Snowflake’s character as well as the mystery around her is so well written and I hope you come back to this one day out of love and joy for writing.
11/7/2023 c33 9Yellow Green Fish
I just wanna say, I'm sorry to hear that some fans are too impatient to wait and harassed you terribly. Nobody deserves to be treated like some bot pumping out fanfics non-stop, we all have our own lives to lead. I am delighted to hear that you are planning to finish this fic, and I will happily wait for your update, no matter how long it takes (so long as you don't delete this fic on ffn am cool with it). I love this fic, I can't guess what happens next, so I am eager to read the next chapter. Please don't feel pressured to pump out more chapters before you're ready, feel free to take your time.

Thank you so much for the time and effort you've put into this fic so far!
9/14/2023 c33 Esth3Ra
Nine years later the mysteries of this book are still eating me alive.
5/3/2023 c29 Robbler
Ha, Elsa doesn't need any "Union". Infact, I am pretty sure they need her.
Her powers can generate snow and ice out of nothingendless supplie of water.
If Elsa would abandon the Union and just open her country to the world without them, she could start selling ice and water in such high quality and quantity, she'd be rich as hell.
Add to that, that her Kingdom is rather small, it won't take long for them to catch up to modern technology.
The Union can go suck it.
3/12/2023 c33 Guest
I hope you will find the inspiration to continue this lovely fic one day. I will patiently wait until then.
Thank you so much for writing it!
Best wishes to you, windstruck07!
3/1/2023 c32 WingedHeart8416
Dear windstruck07,

I am sorry that this fandom has gotten so bad against you. It is not right that those who read your work demand that they need you to continue or work at their pace. We live in a culture were everything is now. It is nice to see the work it takes for books do not show up on a shelf a finished product but takes time one chapter at a time. I am sorry that you have been bombarded with those demands they should never have been. Your artmanship of this is amazing and except for Jelsa - Ice Alliance you have become my second favorite. I would love to read more as I just found you because of a comment there that led me and they were so right as you are their second too.

Your work is engaging and amazing all in one and light hearted and yet deals with such great themes. You asked us to answer the following questions so I hope this helps fan the flame again from the coals.

1. My theories of Snowflake is that she is reincarnate of Nightlight and Mother Goose little girl that was lost and she understands and tries to help little girls like her that are loved deeply like the duke and duchess little girl yet life is sometimes not kind and takes the beloved child away just at the height of childhood. She has internalized every single girl who has gone through that. Those beloved and loved by their families, and yet cannot stay like snow melts after a few months of the year.

2. Favorite Scene/ Chapter? Do I have to choose? Well what comes to mind is when Jack was human and was able to talk down all those snobby ambassadors by saying he was from the US. Loved that. Snowflake is SOOO adorable and I love those. There are so many times your work has been wanting to know what is going to happen and I bit tear my hair out. Like come on Anna and Rapunzel. Those two are LEthal! I love that Kristoff and Eugene went to the same orphanage that is great! I do wonder about Nightlight and Pitch. Are we maybe dealing with split personality here? That Pitch and Nightlight split because the loss of their daughters? Time is running out for snowflake but also for Nightlight?

3. I am not sure what to expect with Jack and Elsa relationship. I can see that they hold onto each other after snowflake goes, but losing snowflake could also break them into deeper pieces. Yet I could see snowflake last desire is her parents to love and care for each other as they loved her. I have a feeling Pitch wants to see if he can have Elsa, he is intrigued which is never good. Elsa lost control regarding how Snowflake was being cared for by Jack. Now its Jack's turn to lose it seeing Elsa taking to Pitch.

4. I think the Duke knows that he has taken everything from his younger brother, the Duke title, the women he loves and wants his brother to find happiness no matter what and he sees his brother marrying Elsa the opportunity for his brother to be a King better than a Duke and to have his own love. Also allows him to have better ties with Ariendle and to have a niece/nephew on the throne. I am thinking he cares much for his brother so the Duke is going to do what he can what he thinks is best. I think the brother is very much a man who may find a girl a great friend but once she is unavailable he starts to pine for what might have been. That is why he is so suspicious of Jack. He thought Elsa was free and open and seeing Jack makes warning bells with him.

5. Honestly you have creates such a great tapestry I have no idea how all these strands are going to be tied off. With Jack become the next man in the moon? With Elsa and the duke brother find more in their relationship? If Jack becomes man in moon will Elsa settle with the duke brother? Is the duke and the duke brother human cooperates to nightlight and Pitch? Will Elsa and Jack magic be able to keep Snowflake? I think Snowflake time is numbered and she will not be able to be kept. Or if Jack becomes the Man in the moon will Snowflake lose her power of ice and become a regular child? I think nightlight will come and take snowflake away. Will pitch be redeemed by reconciliation to his daughter's? So many ways this can go but I am sure whatever you choose to do if you choose to continue will be magnifique! Well done and thank you for a great read. Blessings.
1/30/2023 c28 Pstar7
When are we ever going to update this bookಥ‿ಥ
11/8/2022 c33 Pstar 7
And concerning the bashing of head post : the name is pstar 7
11/8/2022 c33 Guest
Let me see the names of the people harassing youI want to bash their heads in a rock️ the nerves of some people. If you can't wait then go for another book till it ready. I've read this book from A to Z multiple times and each word makes me wait because I don't want a rushed work . I WANT A PRODUCT OF YOUR TALENT not a result of you trying to please people so darling take the time you need. Beside their other book out there to buy time.
10/22/2022 c25 Logan Boyd-McConnell
I'm in this mainly for the Jelsa and I usually don't review until I get to the point in a fic where I'm either losing interest or get a better read on where it's going. This was an interesting chapter. Romance wise is definitely akward and confusing but most of this fiction has been all over the place so it's hard to judge it by focusing on just that aspect. So I'll give it a few more chapters to see if its salvageable and can get me invested in the relationships again. I'm sure there's a reason for all Jack transformations and weird bracelet and potion addons but the drama of having a kid in the mix is plenty to alter behavior. The romance definitely feels rushed which is usually a deal breaker with me but I'll stick it out until you truly offend my Jelsa expectations.
8/26/2022 c33 lagzmiggy02
I love this fanfic! Are you going to updatw in the near future?
6/23/2022 c33 sohoon
Wow! I spent my days with reading this gems, and I love it! It's 2022, well I will patiently wait for the update. Great work author, the whole series is build up really well, I really enjoy reading thisxoxoxo
5/16/2022 c33 guidancefrombooks
i'm so sorry that u were getting literally harassed by ppl like is not okay. just know that a lot of us will be patiently waiting for u. ur fanfiction is probably one of the best jelsa ones i have read which is why i keep coming back to it from time to time. dont let these toxic ppl get to u. xoxo
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