Just In
for The Ocean Inside Me

2/12/2016 c2 debslmac
Sad beginning but lovely ending. I hope you continue it
7/13/2014 c2 midnitereader
Hey you haven't updated in a while. This could be an interesting story. A Merman, huh? Hope you continue this.
6/14/2014 c2 left in bits
I wanted to give you some kudos for your writing! It's very descriptive and emotive. I really liked this twist here, too. For some reason the fact that it took on a supernatural element just made it even better. Great job!
6/14/2014 c2 Moonbeam93
Continue continue! :)
4/15/2014 c1 midnitereader
OMG, this sounds so sad. Bella's father loved her, but Phil sounds just evil. Molesting her and then selling her. He sounds like a pimp. And her mother regretting having her and then not believing her about Phil. No wonder she wants to die. Is this the end?
4/14/2014 c1 Vampir3.S3duction
Please don't let it be the end! I wanna read more and see if or who she might get entangled with, lol.

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