Just In
for Winds of Change

9/9/2018 c1 Courtney Elizabeth1
This was a great idea loved it thanks
7/25/2017 c1 5Simply Bookworm
This was awesome, I love wings!Robin or wings!Nightwing fics. They are my favorite, if you want to read my first wings!fic go to wattpad. My name there is SimplyBookworm1604. It's a jaytim fic. Again, I love all your stories!
5/14/2017 c1 Guest
Oh the science! Total Tim, and the reactions they each had fit them respectively so well. Like the wingspan bit.
9/1/2016 c1 Guest
6/13/2016 c1 5Addie Lover of Stories
I really loved this! X) Thanks for writing!
12/5/2015 c1 ihavethebestmemes
Hey, I can't find kittycat1810 "More Bird Then Realized" story. Did she get rid of it? Give it a new name? Because I've scrolled through all of her stories and looked the title up and found nothing on it so...?
11/8/2015 c1 grizzlybear2000
I love this!
8/11/2015 c1 XxgirlblunderxX
omg loved it!...i think I've read some of ur stories be4...?
10/29/2014 c1 1Queen Sound
9/7/2014 c1 Infinity69
Oh my God I love this so much you should do more fanfics like this because all of the other ones not only the ones that you wrote are werewolf ones. It was a nice of change of supernatural ability for Dick Grayson.
6/2/2014 c1 8the-ewok-whisperer
I loved it! Please write more about this!
4/17/2014 c1 10Saturn Seraphim
4/16/2014 c1 57FlightfootKeyseeker
How much weight can Dick fly with? He must be pretty strong if he can carry his brothers.
4/15/2014 c1 1kuromi123
I love this so much XD
4/15/2014 c1 31kittycat1810
I love it!

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