Just In
for Too Much Time

7/17/2014 c1 Wanderer
This fanfic. THIS. *sobs*... (Song to closely fit this would probably be Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy). I just wanna cry.
7/19/2014 c1 41UntoldStories113
I like the detached feel of this. It’s not “boo-hoo, overly sappy drama,” but more of a numbness, as if Sulley hasn’t yet fully realized what has happened.

I also like the characterization. It makes perfect sense to me that with retirement looming over their heads, Mike would be scared of becoming “useless” and would default to planning things out, whereas Sulley would just “plan” to take each day as it comes and then realize that he has nothing to live for.

I do have to wonder, though, where Oozma Kappa have disappeared to. All dead? Fighting with Sulley? At least a quick mention would have been nice, because they would definitely support Sulley with a situation like that.

It would be great to see more MI/MU stuff from you, because you have the characters down. And I’m adding this to the Oozma Kappa Friendship Community; if you mind, please let me know.
4/19/2014 c1 boo34
i think sully should visit boo while retiring and do they like to play and boo will be adult but not married i think
4/19/2014 c1 Whitelion69
This is a very good and very sad one-shot.
4/18/2014 c1 13NeverWrittenAGoodOne
I'm so proud of you, this story was so sad and it's rare to find stories that make me sad :')
If this doesn't pull heart strings I don't know what will :)

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