Just In
for Unforeseen Circumstances

10/14/2020 c1 Jelsa forevermore
My gosh that is cute silly romantic and cruel at the same time. Elsa can really pull a nice prank. It was such a great story.
7/3/2020 c1 6cshen.julienne
HAHHAH She is diabolical ILOVE HER!
9/13/2017 c1 DKLY
Certainly astonishing tale.
1/2/2017 c1 Kimchee2222
So adorable!
"high heels are a device that men invented to keep women from running away" TRU AF
I love their relationship and how they love each others tricks and flaws. You conveyed this really well thru ur writing! Great job!
2/19/2015 c1 6Allucia Iveris
Although I had the notion that Elsa was the one who was messing up Jack's entire plan, I still love it!
Great story! I would love to see their background stories too. Keep up the good work for your next stories.
8/23/2014 c1 Jeanne
8/15/2014 c1 jade
That was hilarious! I wanted to pop the Que-Are YOU KIDDING Me! Ha ha ha!
7/25/2014 c1 1jazzy06
Love the story ... Great work
7/1/2014 c1 Mikki
7/1/2014 c1 Winding Tunnel
I could fee,Jack's frustration when I reading this. Elsa's good at pranking him
6/20/2014 c1 Guest
LOL XD That was so funny! You did a great job writing this ,usually I don't like AU but you did really good!
6/2/2014 c1 1LadyRaider92
Best proposal story ever... every few minutes I would be like "oh come on" or die laughing. This is going to be on my top ten favorite Jesla stories. :) (P.S. I will feel sorry for whomever wants to try to propose to you and I will hope you will go easy on the poor guy for pete's sake) 3:)
5/30/2014 c1 9LetItFlow0992
Really romantic and spectacularly hilarious. Nice work. I would love to read some more of this, past or future events.
5/28/2014 c1 Guest
XD oh I love this soooooo much I've read it like 5 times
5/4/2014 c1 4The Punk Rock Demigod
Best. FanFic. Ever.
Please add the extra chapters!
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