1/11 c3 SMB
Not to sound harsh but HOW THE F**K did he fall asleep with a f**king veela right there at his f**king side? How f**king stupid is he to ignore her and not even talk to the f**king tart? Dropping this.
Not to sound harsh but HOW THE F**K did he fall asleep with a f**king veela right there at his f**king side? How f**king stupid is he to ignore her and not even talk to the f**king tart? Dropping this.
1/11 c2 SMB
You could have NOT BEEN LAZY and actually wrote them falling in love instead of "sucks to be you Harry you're bonded and can't even escape!". As if he didn't have enough shit in his life and now he's stuck with a pretentious bitch that would have called him a leetle boy if he hadn't spoken in French.
You could have NOT BEEN LAZY and actually wrote them falling in love instead of "sucks to be you Harry you're bonded and can't even escape!". As if he didn't have enough shit in his life and now he's stuck with a pretentious bitch that would have called him a leetle boy if he hadn't spoken in French.
10/17/2024 c13 BorisCresnov
This was hilarious! Love the references to the author and how quickly this story went from a serious vibe to peer comedy
This was hilarious! Love the references to the author and how quickly this story went from a serious vibe to peer comedy
9/20/2024 c13
Ok. Bad part first. Story seemed to be too rushed.
Good part. Funny as hell.

Ok. Bad part first. Story seemed to be too rushed.
Good part. Funny as hell.
4/15/2024 c13 Dar Sel'La
I will conceed yes, the writing is a bit of a hot mess. I will also say it isnt bad for an early teenager writing what I would assume is one of thier first stories. Ive gone back and reread some of the stories a friend of mine and I wrote at the same age. Yikes. Having said that, the premise here is interesting, and could make for a pretty good story, with many directions you could take the narrative. Not saying in any way you should rewrite this like you are with Parseltounge, (which I also love, btw) just saying as a thought to let rattle around your brain. Either way, this has been entertaining.
I will conceed yes, the writing is a bit of a hot mess. I will also say it isnt bad for an early teenager writing what I would assume is one of thier first stories. Ive gone back and reread some of the stories a friend of mine and I wrote at the same age. Yikes. Having said that, the premise here is interesting, and could make for a pretty good story, with many directions you could take the narrative. Not saying in any way you should rewrite this like you are with Parseltounge, (which I also love, btw) just saying as a thought to let rattle around your brain. Either way, this has been entertaining.
4/15/2024 c7 Dar Sel'La
Oh my god, the image of Gary Oldman pouting like a sad child will not get out of my mind. Problem is, the character hes playing keeps changing. . .
Oh my god, the image of Gary Oldman pouting like a sad child will not get out of my mind. Problem is, the character hes playing keeps changing. . .
4/14/2024 c1 Dar Sel'La
That last line. Oh man, Harry. You should know by now to not give that bastard Murphy that kind of invitation. . .
That last line. Oh man, Harry. You should know by now to not give that bastard Murphy that kind of invitation. . .