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for NCIS Alphabet

8/3/2014 c1 guest
Maybe S could be 'senses' someone lying to them.
4/28/2014 c1 Patti Lipscomb
Q-Quick to move, when grab your gear is said
R- Remembers the ones we've lost always
S- Sees someone lying to them
T- Trust each other to have each other's six
U- Uses hands to talk, at least Gibbs and Abby do
V- Views team as family
W-Watches the watchers, Gibbs' rules
X- Xray vision not used like Superman, Gibbs uses his GUT
Y- Yes, Boss, not Sir
Z- Ziva may come back one day, but may be too late. Tony's heart has to heal.
4/28/2014 c1 Guest
P-papa bear Gibbs
4/29/2014 c1 Athenalarissa
T-Tony dinozzo a charmy playboy with true feelings for only one woman(aka ziva)
Z-ziva Tony's only true love and irreplaceable Tony's heart but also to all true NCIS fans!
4/28/2014 c1 camcampgirl
Not bad content-wise, but I would advise using spell-check. Finnish should be finish, formar should be former, fiercly should be fiercely, and intuitive should be intuitive. Writing this in a word program and spell-checking first would easily eliminate these types of mistakes. Other than that, I like it!

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