Just In
for Harriet Potter

5/22 c24 rayhawkins10
A difficult story for obvious reasons but well worth reading. So many questions left though.
3/28 c24 James Birdsong
Excellent work
8/5/2023 c6 KariAnn
I like your writing but have to stop this story now because the kiddie porn is icky. Would you consider an edited G rated version for your conservative fans?
8/3/2023 c3 ElyseSyrova
"... full access immediately. Not necessarily; bequests and inheritances can be stipulated to be held wholly or partially in trust until a specific set of conditions is reached, most typically the recipient reaching some particular age or accomplishing some life milestone (such as marriage or graduation from some education). Titles, charters, or patents of gentry, nobility, or royalty are more problematic, depending on the specific laws governing such in a particular polity. There is no particular reason why a title couldn't lie fallow until an heir reaches a certain age if that society both possesses the right to control the conferral and inheritance of such titles, and if same society elects to structure that inheritance in that manner.

That's the funny thing about social constructs like these. They don't have an inherent structure of themselves, and can thus take on a great number of different realizations that are equally valid and potentially equally stable. It's all a matter of what the people in question have been accustomed to.

So, I put this not on native logic, but on authorial worldbuilding preference. That's fine, like a preference for Assam over Darjeeling, or apples over pears. It's still an engrossing story about a tragically, but sadly all too believably, damaged child who is encountering these situations. It's a contrivance, obviously, but perhaps a more "realish" one than Rowling managed.
9/6/2022 c4 6Lewis James Potter
Yaa I always had a problem with this too, with magic i don't understand the train at all. Should be able to pop there kids there directly. because if you live near the school, seems a waste to go to Lundon to then go all the way back to near home. and you know there had to be some to live in the north of the Uk. and it was stated somewhere the express was required ride to get there.
6/11/2022 c24 Anubis00907
Will you be updating this anytime soon
6/7/2022 c24 Lewis James Potter
Love this chapter, never through of there also lords of the other three houses to, but makes since through.
6/6/2022 c17 Lewis James Potter
this is so Ron love it
6/5/2022 c7 Lewis James Potter
great chapter

a brit kid of 11 would reference brit currency not American if they even know what they would be called.
6/4/2022 c5 Lewis James Potter
Great Story so far, but it is confirmed that year sizes are 10 per house because i know i read somewhere class sizes are 20 for example snake - lion class 10 snakes / 10 lions not sure how this works making these numbers exactly, since the house is chosen with the students input. But every where i look shows the same.
2/28/2022 c24 MosquitoFodder
Got to here and surprised by no next chapter. Good story up to this point, though.
2/11/2022 c24 Just William
It's a shame that your story appears to have been abandoned.
2/11/2022 c18 Just William
A typo, "that fowl thing" should be "that foul thing". Good chpter.
2/10/2022 c15 Just William
Suggestion, "650 acre farm in southeast Great Britain" would be better as "650 acre farm in southeast England".
2/10/2022 c11 Just William
A typo, "Farther details" should be "Further details", meanwhile storyline continues to be good.
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