Just In
for Our Winter

9/26/2020 c20 5luv nikki
I forgot how beautiful this fic is! I laughed, cried and felt so much for Ginny and Draco.
8/9/2017 c11 Guest
Sexual humiliation, controlling and abusive behaviour; these are red flags for future abuse. Don't romanticise it.
9/22/2016 c20 Laramariani
Really great story! I've wanted to kill you in the last chapter, but this epilogue made it up :)
8/22/2016 c20 Guest
this was amazing i'm bawling thanks
6/10/2016 c20 Pierrina
It was amazing ! Omg I even cried ! You did a wonderful job!
3/15/2016 c20 Guest
This story is BEAUTIFUL! your writing is beautiful ...
this fic is tragic & heartwarming (at the same time) & &.. just everything...
8/15/2015 c20 Juuh Malfoy
Jus passing by to say that this is such a great history, altough i gotta say you made me cry a lot in these last chapters! i really liked it!
4/23/2015 c20 Yuli
Hi, i read it 9 years ago all story in one day instad of studying to test and cried myself to sleep, (i read the last chapter just the next morning so all the night my heart ache for both of them!) And yesterday i remembered again of this great fanfiction and read it again... I think its one of the best stories i read ever and i really sad its already behind me...
Thank you!
7/4/2013 c20 bmalfoy
I loved this even more on the reread! amazing!
11/5/2012 c20 1sleepy fox writes
I've read this story dozens upon dozens of times over the years and am still in love with it. I hope that you keep writing, whether it be original or fanfiction, and that all things go well for you, no matter what. Thank you for sharing this with us. :)
11/3/2012 c20 MargueritteBlack
This is one of my favorite stories ever! It's pretty perfect :D
5/26/2011 c20 5Jedi Knight Padme
Hi! I've just finished reading your entire story, and I have to say that it's absolutely AMAZING. I've been completely hooked for two entire days - my chores and work were all neglected while I guzzled it up!

I do hope that you keep writing D/G fics - I love the quality of your writing and the riveting plot lines!
1/5/2011 c20 5lalalove-Rae
I loved this. You have no idea how happy I was when I realized that Ezra wasn't dead. That was the only thing keeping me from really liking this. I hated that you killed her off. At the end of the last chapter I was so crushed. I didn't even want to read the epi b/c I didn't see how they could ever be together. But it all worked out and it was beautiful.

I know it's been forever since you wrote this, but I flove D/G and this is one of my all time favorites.

xoxo, Rae
1/4/2011 c1 kissmesober
"Not mine. J.K. Rowling and a lot of greedy publishers own them. Warner Bros. has a piece of the pie now, as well. But really, folks, let's face it - J.K. is never going to finish things up at this rate, so it's fallen upon us, the humble fanfic writers, to continue her epic tale as we see fit. (And if a time comes when she does actually finish, I will happily apologize for ever having doubted her in the first place. ::doesn't hold breath::"

She finished it ;)
12/31/2010 c16 manahappy
I read it on portkey but I can't add review in there I don't know why ;( and I came to find this story in here so I can review it, but I see that it has lower rating in here and it doesn't contain my favorite line from this story, but I'll put my review anyway:

"I just want you to love me"

this sentence literally killed me... I was hoping that he would say something sweet but this... ;.;

I love this story sooo much and the ending is BRILLIANT, so freaking brilliant :D with Ezra's fake death and that Danae wasn't really Draco's child... ehhh just love it all *hugs you* :)

thanks for this great journey full of tears and goofy smiles :)
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