Just In
for Absolute Romance

5/10/2014 c1 5Windying
Omg... I haven't though of reading a ritsu merman one before... nice ideas... will there be lemons in the future? Looking forward to the !
5/6/2014 c1 kuroshiro.19
yes please continue!
5/5/2014 c1 Guest
Not knocking this as I enjoy fantasy twists, but I feel like I've read this story before. Was this inspired by another manga? Can't remember what it was called but merman was a secretary to a business man and he couldn't tell lies, so was forced to reveal his true nature.
Just wondering xx
Looking forward to to see more from you xx
5/4/2014 c1 Miruco
It's good but I'm a bit confused by how quickly the subject changed. I'm not a hater though so keep up the good work and write on! Rooting for ya XD
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