Just In
for Our Own Private Paradise

7/23/2014 c3 26Ellen Fitzwilliam Brandybuck
Delightful and uber sweet, thanks for sharing!
7/23/2014 c1 Ellen Fitzwilliam Brandybuck
Love it! Thanks for sharing!
7/12/2014 c3 Ai
Aww! This story is good, I can't believe this is the end. Great job!
6/23/2014 c3 16FantasticalMusical
Such a perfect story! Loved it!
6/9/2014 c3 tvlover84
Awwww I liked it. The gift he gave Annie was OOC but still sweet.
6/7/2014 c1 Kno Buddy
I liked this one, I've never been able to find a Jeff/Annie/Brittany one with an M rating though and thought that was kind of weird.
5/27/2014 c3 shippersgonnaship
You should probably get a beta there are always mistakes in your work. But this was cute.
5/27/2014 c3 EthinaEternal
POP POP! Loved this story! Please continue to write Jeff & Annie stories and I'll continue to read them! Thank you!
5/27/2014 c3 Anime Lady PIMP
I loved it! I am so sad community ended! I love Jeff and Annie.
5/27/2014 c3 7tktktk
Awww this was so cute. I really liked the part with the group it was tres funny! And the scene where Annie steps out of the lake was really nice. (PS. You might want to change the rating to M or at least put a disclaimer on this chapter. I didn't mind at all but I imagine it would be appreciated by others.)
5/27/2014 c3 Guest
Oh lord! That is sweet! 5 meow meow beenz for you!
5/25/2014 c2 Guest
I cannot wait for more! Great job!
5/18/2014 c2 6errobotter
Good story. I was a bit skeptical with how the first chapter started but, once you got to the Annie-Jeff interactions, it was obvious that this story would be a winner. Hopefully you expand upon this story, there is a lot of potential. :-)
5/17/2014 c1 storymaker356
This story is wonderful but I don't get why everyone lives jeff/annie what ever happened to jeff/britta? It seams like nobody like them together anymore:/ but this was really a wonderful story good work
5/16/2014 c2 Guest
I'm loving this story! Please don't keep us waiting too long for an update.
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