Just In
for Come Together

10/6/2024 c8 KanameZeroYuki
This was SO SO SO SWEET ! And fluffy and angsty and a perfect blend.
11/9/2023 c8 5nlli
An early fanfiction with great characterization, fabulous atmosphere, and excellent worldbuilding. Ron is supportively good humored and functions well as the sidekick for both Harry and Hermione. Harry as a professional athlete is fun and plausible. His relationship to his Quidditch career is fittingly ambivalent. The story captures his joy of flying and sport and competition, the camaraderie of teammates, as well as the burdens/pleasures of fame. Harry's sexual dalliances are treated frankly, but naturally, and while there's little doubt he's enjoyed himself with these beautiful hangers-on, there's also no question where his true desires point. I also like the way this Quidditch-focused characterization has folded into it a version of a magically powerful Harry. Letting his real ability remain understated, a more or less private truth shared with Hermione, is one of the best ways to see him represented in the post-war. The reveal about the Defeat is effective and amusingly reflects later canon revelations about the Horcruxes – the sense typical of "the Horcrux makes him like Voldemort until the defeat" reversed here as "the Defeat makes him like Voldemort after he's won". The final blow to the spirit of evil by true love's kiss is over-the-top, but suitable for a story not at all about action. Hermione is also charmingly written. Her emotional state is also over-the-top, but it makes for entertaining fluff and drives the plot forward. The bathroom confrontation has gossipy sting, while her instantly self-recognized delusions are pretty much always amusing.

However, I don't much like the angst. As the later chapters make explicit, Hermione leaps to outlandish conclusions about Harry and Gabrielle from very little evidence. The resolution of this plotline is even worse. First, if Gabrielle's first concern at that first meeting is to discuss the 2nd Task, then Hermione is just as much as Ron eligible as a fellow captive. Second, Ron's sexual relationship with a sixteen year old is simply inappropriate. It sours all scenes in the later chapters where they make appearances – at least fortunately the fine moment between Harry and Hermione as the clock strikes midnight (and the great last sequence with Rita Skeeter) takes place without Ron's involvement.

The really impressive thing here, for me, is the world building. This is where the earliness of the story shines in a way that's become tougher to see in more recent work. Things like Nester’s No-Blow Nose Napkins or the Foglifter or Orthagon/Origin Alley or the advertising for the couch or the content of Hermione's university study or the Quidditch songs – all of this has the sort of enthusiasm and wide-eyed inventiveness that was easier to feel when this world was new. This aspect is JKRish in the very best sense possible.
11/1/2023 c8 Guest
It was
Really GOOD
4/15/2023 c8 1DayDreamer2796
What an INCREDIBLE story. This has to be my favorite portrayal of Harry, Hermione and Ron. Great job!
12/23/2022 c2 Guest
Rita Skeeter is the most creepiest Harmonie shipper ever tbh
5/17/2022 c8 Radhakrishn123
Ron and Gabrielle... interesting ship... and we all know that Rita Skeeter is a Harmony shipper from 4th year in an absurd way
1/22/2022 c8 10romycullen
wow I'm reading this 12 years later. Incredibly brilliant
12/5/2021 c1 Hayleystorm
I love it.
10/3/2021 c8 2Aniara27
I really enjoyed reading this story. AU and all, after GOF, I think many of us thought Harry would end up with Hermione like in your story. I enjoyed Ron so much and your portrayal of him and the easy interaction between the Trio. So thank you for sharing it with us!
5/31/2021 c1 Malaiqa
One of the best HHr fanfics I’ve read!
5/28/2021 c8 majijn
what was a very nice fic lost its spark for a dumb forced angst plot

if i wanted a miscomunication plot id rewatch one of the dozens of korean dramas that do this
4/6/2021 c1 7LordBob49
"This was still her Harry" I love it
also the dressing/undressing pun was great
3/17/2021 c8 9alliekiwi
Such a fun story, and very witty.
3/14/2021 c8 Goldenbassets
Loved, loved, loved this. Thank you for such a lovely work.
11/28/2020 c8 starlingkingandqueen
A beautiful, lovely, wonderful story; I'm so glad I can read this again and again now that Christmas and the new year are just around the corner. Thank you, Granger!
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