6/3/2020 c1 Julianna
It's nice that you used the Judith Light real birthday Feb 9 as Angela's birthday but we never did know what was Angela's real birthday, in the episode "Sit down and be counted, when Angela opened her front door the census guy read from a list that said her birthday was Oct 16, in "Tony, the Matchmaker" Tony told his friend that Angela was 5'7" and she was a Gemini.
Also, I like your story, it was well written and what my interpretation of the last episode when Tony quit his job to come back to Angela was that they got married as plan but I think there was a high chance they would have at least 1 more kid given the amount of time they talk ambiguously to each other about kids and if each would have a kid, they like it if each would be the father or mother. It's hard to explain but look at the episode "A Trip to the Principal" where they were talking amount themselves in the Principal office. I notice that Tony and Angela like to talk amount themselves and forget there are people around them, so that the other person feels left out and that person has to bring them back to reality.
It's nice that you used the Judith Light real birthday Feb 9 as Angela's birthday but we never did know what was Angela's real birthday, in the episode "Sit down and be counted, when Angela opened her front door the census guy read from a list that said her birthday was Oct 16, in "Tony, the Matchmaker" Tony told his friend that Angela was 5'7" and she was a Gemini.
Also, I like your story, it was well written and what my interpretation of the last episode when Tony quit his job to come back to Angela was that they got married as plan but I think there was a high chance they would have at least 1 more kid given the amount of time they talk ambiguously to each other about kids and if each would have a kid, they like it if each would be the father or mother. It's hard to explain but look at the episode "A Trip to the Principal" where they were talking amount themselves in the Principal office. I notice that Tony and Angela like to talk amount themselves and forget there are people around them, so that the other person feels left out and that person has to bring them back to reality.
5/10/2014 c1 119GoldenGirlSherry
What a great story! I love their vowel renewal and I love that Sherry becomes a millionaire. ;)
What a great story! I love their vowel renewal and I love that Sherry becomes a millionaire. ;)