for Dreams Do Come True
7/5/2014 c21 LOCISVUCongratulations for the both of them!
7/5/2014 c18 LOCISVUWhat a wedding night!WINK WINK!
7/5/2014 c17 LOCISVUWhew!Good thing that Granny had the good sense to do that.
7/5/2014 c16 LOCISVUThat was an awesome scene!
7/5/2014 c15 LOCISVUCan't wait for that wedding to happen!
7/5/2014 c13 LOCISVUAs much as Jefferson was creepy,he did good.I think?
7/5/2014 c12 LOCISVUAnd it took another car crash to make it happen? KUDOS!
7/5/2014 c9 LOCISVUNow who would dare interrupt their alone time?!
7/5/2014 c8 LOCISVUGet off your high horse Snow White!You're going to lose your daughter for sure if you keep this up.