Just In
for What Should Have Been

1/17/2019 c1 Guest
Excellent start
1/17/2019 c2 22MartyMcFlyJr
Ok i get it. I love where this is going
8/22/2015 c9 9KingKage73
Rumplestiltskin would be and is proud of Baelfire/Neal
1/2/2015 c9 49Shiranai Atsune
please continue it! This is such a good story!
9/27/2014 c9 yuiop
9/1/2014 c5 guest
Neil and Emma traveling through time, this story is beautiful.
why couldn't this have happened on the show...
9/1/2014 c3 guest
great chapter! I'm loving your story. can't wait to see where
you take this.
9/1/2014 c9 5HarrylovesGinny09
Good chapter
8/31/2014 c9 16EevyLynn
Yay! An update! So, I'm guessing Rumple was just getting them out of his way so he could make himself a memory potion?
8/31/2014 c9 4923a
Love this story... so much better than stupid CS
8/31/2014 c9 TetraGirl
Uhh Snow and Charming are married and Reginas threat came.
And they danced. Ohhhhh. Soooo cool.
Can't wait for more.
8/31/2014 c9 maressaonce
I really liked this chapter and i loved that neal and emma got the chance to dance at least one dance :)
6/24/2014 c8 5HarrylovesGinny09
Good chapter
6/23/2014 c8 6Vivstar
Sweet. Really cool chapter. I love the part where Rumplestiltskin keeps looking at Neal, asks if he knows him, and Neal says no. I wonder what would happen if Rumple figured out that Neal is Baelfire. I sort of hope that he does, just to see how he reacts.
Please update again soon!
6/23/2014 c8 Rainbow2.0
Love it, i want more soon, please, please.
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