6/22/2014 c7
Well done. Looking forward to when they meet Rumplestiltskin(hopefully in the same time and place as in the show, or something similar). Please update again soon. :)

Well done. Looking forward to when they meet Rumplestiltskin(hopefully in the same time and place as in the show, or something similar). Please update again soon. :)
6/17/2014 c7
I love this story! I've been looking for one like this for a while. Can't wait for the next chapter!

I love this story! I've been looking for one like this for a while. Can't wait for the next chapter!
6/15/2014 c7
OMG! They are in the future! C': I want to know what is going to happen next!

OMG! They are in the future! C': I want to know what is going to happen next!
6/14/2014 c7 TetraGirl
Even if it was short I liked it.
Guess i would be confused as well and tired after travelling through different times.
Can't wait for your next chapter and the meeting with Rumpel.
Please Update soon. I need to know what happens there. Can't wait for it.
Even if it was short I liked it.
Guess i would be confused as well and tired after travelling through different times.
Can't wait for your next chapter and the meeting with Rumpel.
Please Update soon. I need to know what happens there. Can't wait for it.
6/3/2014 c6 opheliasstory
OH MY GOD! This was so amazing! Little Bae! Emma saw little Bae. And Neal telling his young self that it will be okay in the end. No, I'm not crying. The potential ! God! Stupid writers! If I had money and power, I would make so that you could write the show!
OH MY GOD! This was so amazing! Little Bae! Emma saw little Bae. And Neal telling his young self that it will be okay in the end. No, I'm not crying. The potential ! God! Stupid writers! If I had money and power, I would make so that you could write the show!
5/31/2014 c5
Loving this story - can't wait to read more! Thanks for chronicling 322 the way it should have been done :)

Loving this story - can't wait to read more! Thanks for chronicling 322 the way it should have been done :)
5/28/2014 c5 maressaonce
I really liked where you're taking this story and that the chapter was longer :)
I really liked where you're taking this story and that the chapter was longer :)
5/25/2014 c4 Guest
Please continue! Love this! :)
Please continue! Love this! :)