Just In
for The Immortal Son of the Earth

10/16/2024 c6 kitsune0927
Hope you keep writing this story it is amazing
8/31/2024 c1 MyOpinion
I know this is old but w-w-w-w-wouldn’t it make more sense for Naruto to be more mature then he is? Also wouldn’t it make more sense if idk Gaea would meet with Naruto and tell him truths about the gods? Family sugar coats important stuff and I feel he would actually have a reason to go father his “dad” istead of whatever you were trying to do, but what do I know
1/17/2024 c5 1bibink729
7/21/2023 c4 Blue31
This is a great story so far. I hope you continue the story.
5/22/2023 c6 Guest
nooooooo moooooooooooooooore
5/5/2023 c6 Lucas.N.Q06
Gran capítulo,espero el siguiente capítulo cn muchas ansias..
5/4/2023 c6 2TheXPlazer
well, it's safe to say this is dead
5/3/2023 c6 1Sankarea396
3/13/2023 c6 JaunetheRNJR
Hey just giving a review for this story as I really like it. This seems like a darker version of a young god. There is a lot of setup for some juicy conflict and focus on the mortal side of the world. I don't know what your plans for Gaia are yet though. From what I have gathered it is likely a twisted love. She loves Naruto but can't get over her need for vengeance. This will likely push him to side more with the Olympians. He may in the end replace Gaia as the new Earth Primordial. Anyways I hope to this story continue at some point.
1/26/2023 c5 DracoKing30
Really love this story can't wait for new chapters
7/5/2022 c5 Brother V
Stop fucking capping even if he was his lion and dragon could've sorted them out
7/5/2022 c2 Brother V
Silena had a bf in the original why you wanna mess that up
7/5/2022 c1 Brother V
This nigga smashed his grandma :O
7/1/2022 c6 realfan16
guess we'll never the people's reaction to the son of Gaïa
6/30/2022 c6 realfan16
guess we'll never the people's reaction to the son of Gaïa
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