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for Red Looks Good on Orange

10/22/2016 c2 30BrightLotusMoon
*giggles and smirks*

Ahh, parents. Splinter would totally focus on his kids messing up the furniture during sex.

This is actually one of my favorite tcest tales. I still can't choose between Mikey/Raph and Mikey/Don, therefore I read a lot of both. So far, Mike/Raph seems to be winning by an inch.
1/3/2016 c2 2KopEKat
hahahaha! The second chapter! At first I was pissed the hell off with Splinter and was about to swear off all fan fic with him in it forever but that last sentence! I had to re read the whole chapter again! Oh my goodness that was so funny! I can't wait to see more chapters.
12/28/2015 c2 Guest

I like naive Mikey stories...

But I skipped all the M rates stuff I don't do that... But great story
6/26/2014 c2 1666-addicted-666
5/25/2014 c2 4MissCookiiie
Yay you continued! Thanks! Haha it was awesome! Great job pls update very soon I can't wait :)
5/24/2014 c2 68Who am I. I'm the Void
... oooooook? That was... unexpected. Hot... but unexpected.
5/24/2014 c2 3Puldoh
LOVED IT, so good lol, great job
5/21/2014 c1 Anotheranonymous001
This was so... I'm at loss of words. *A*

It was all so cute and sexy at the same time, I absolutely love how it was written. The words you used were (at elast to me) 'unusual', I had to look some up in the dictionary. Sincerey I don't know how could you keep this beauty from us. :o

I presume the jealous figure was Leo?

Bravo *applauds*

5/19/2014 c1 1purpleshapeheart
Countinue plz, wanna know what happens :-D
5/19/2014 c1 Cyborg'sWife
Please write more! Don't leave us hanging!
5/18/2014 c1 RaphxMikey
Mooooore! Pleaseeeeee!
5/18/2014 c1 3Puldoh
That was awesome, please continue, it was great, and I want to know what the Foot Ninja did to warrant Raph's inspection! lol, flashback scene! MORE, please
5/18/2014 c1 Guest
I'll try convincing you: THIS IS SO EPIC hahah you're totally letting us hanging there don't stop now I can't stand this cliffhanger! Can't wait!
5/18/2014 c1 4MissCookiiie
Awesome! Write more pls it's great :)
5/18/2014 c1 Turtlefreak
Gosh this was great! I'd love to read more! This pairing is da best hope ya continue this!
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