Just In
for More Than a Thing, Precious Donny

8/9/2016 c2 UnNamedWriter1994
Please continue this! U can't just leave a fangirl hanging!
2/23/2015 c4 1embrace sweetness and light
2/15/2015 c4 8WhoAmI659
Oh no, things are not looking well for our heroes in green
2/9/2015 c4 1tmntlover2013
Great job on the chapter please update soon thanks.
2/9/2015 c4 Heather
Le Gasp! I love this story! I had thought it long abandoned, but now I know dreams DO come true! _
Excellent work.
12/29/2014 c3 Guest
12/28/2014 c3 Guest
I want next chapter! pretty please!
10/1/2014 c3 tmntlover2013
Great job on the chapter please update soon thanks.
9/30/2014 c3 1Ardelion
9/30/2014 c3 12FlowerCrazy
So excited. I love this story. Thank you for a great update!
9/17/2014 c2 1Ardelion
Need more story! Please come back and update :(
9/5/2014 c2 10Scarlet Thorrn
Well...that was dramatic. Had me gripped the entire time! Lol, I love the relationship Raph and Don have going, and I'd love to see where this goes. :D

Please update again soon.
7/13/2014 c2 1tmntlover2013
Great job on the story please update soon thanks
7/6/2014 c2 Guest
I have to admit that the combination of culture and biology has me extremely intrigued. It seems that you have an outline and direction already laid out for this story and I'll be interested with where you take it. This chapter clarified some of the questions I had from the first one while planting a whole new crop. Very interesting concept. Looking forward to the next installment.
5/30/2014 c1 Guest
What is the "society " the turtles live in. The terras are the dominant males and the bearers are (baby makers) but are there only allowed one bearer or are there several. And also what happens when a bearer consieves a bearer?

I do like the story, you have quite an interesting idea here.
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