Just In
for Dear Finnick

9/9/2020 c1 Guest
wait, make a dear annie plz!
9/9/2020 c15 Guest
i fricking sobbed. help me author.
9/9/2020 c14 awh
dis is suuuchhh a good slow burn - i just cant even
9/9/2020 c10 Guest
awh da feels r killin meh
12/5/2019 c18 5Starlene Ashes
Beautifully written. The only critism is that it would better if we could see more of the friends circle and their reaction to Annie and Finnick's relationship.
4/25/2018 c18 1Shade-T
Oh my god. I can't believe it ended on this note. I wanted to know what happened to Katniss and Peeta. And how Joana reacted to all of this. And if Gale will reconnect with the group. And all lot more stuff. It was really nice to read this. I loved the letters, and honestly, they explained the charcter so beautifly. I just wish it was a little longer, and contained a lot more.
4/25/2018 c8 Shade-T
I don't know why, but I was pretty sure that Mags was the one that sold Anne her fish.
3/30/2018 c18 Literally shook
HOLY CRAP THAT WAS AMAZING. AHHHH! You’re SUCH an amazing writer and that story gave me so much joy- you don’t even KNOW.
1/31/2018 c18 LACR
Awww such a beautiful story, I just found it and finished reading it. I love how you had Finnick reading Annie's letters and how she reacted. My favorite was how he responded. It was the perfect letter for the situation. I also like how you ended it with reading their wedding vows.
11/12/2017 c17 doraviolet1
please update soon! can't wait to see more sweet scenes about these two!
11/8/2017 c17 doraviolet1
is it the new chapter or rewrite it? anyway thanks for getting back to this story! i am looking forward for this unfinished business,haha.
3/20/2016 c18 12kennatalks
I really adore this! It's such a great high school AU, and it's hard to find ones of Annie and Finnick. Especially this long and well written. You've really got their characterizations down. I can't wait to hopefully read more!
2/17/2016 c1 Cali-bound
You are an angel. I have spent a pretty significant amount of time searching for an Odesta story set in the modern day, coming up with nothing but a couple poorly written stories and some others surrounding the wrong characters. I am so happy to have come across this. I'm not even sure how I got here, but it's a welcome discovery. This is so wonderfully written and excellently paced. I have no criticisms. I love the plot, the character development, and most importantly, the lack of any major spelling or grammatical mistakes. Those are killers. I hope you haven't abandoned this, but I understand the pressures of college. Best of luck!
1/18/2016 c18 guest
This story is amazing! I love Finnick and Annie. Please update soon I can't wait to see what happens next!
1/4/2016 c18 Guest
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