Just In
for Less Than Zero

1/31 c20 1OCsProtagonistAlliance
I find it funny that Max could be a good Orange Lantern if he wasn't so good at smacking himself and sayNo, bad Max. Don't"
1/30 c47 TacysToess
Great story, not much else to say. I love the buildup of Max and his relationships. The story is cool and it was worth the ride. The only complaint I have is that Batgirl was built up to being important in the early story only to drop off and never be seen again
1/30 c47 Rononono
Wow. It's truly a phenomenal story. I started this with the expectation of being disappointed, but this was simply a great story.
1/29 c41 TacysToess
Aint no way wonder woman is about to give Max shit about killing Maxwell. That lady kills people too when she thinks it’s necessary >:(
1/21 c23 ThatOneGuy on ffn
I really like the contrast between the smut scene with Ravager, to Supergirl's kiss. While Supergirl's kiss with Max is this heat of the moment passionate show of affection that Supergirl does without thinking, Ravager's scene is this loveless, battle of strength between the two of them. This is probably the only time I've personally seen that a smut scene added to the story aspects of a fanfiction thematically. While Kara clearly brings out the best in Max in all their scenes together, Rose is encouraging the worst in him.
1/19 c47 coloradem
10/10 read it like 4 times. I love the ending too, usually i don't comment, buy dayum this was a good soup
1/18 c47 MadiCZ006
Good story, one of the best there atleast for me.
1/17 c12 ThatOneGuy on ffn
I really like the fact that Null ends up destroying the fourth piece of the slate. Throughout this arc everyone we see that interacts with the slate is affected by the slate's power, whether it be Rose, Grundy, Zatanna, and of course Faust. Unlike Rose, Faust, and Grundy, it clearly takes less effect on Max, especially considering how Rose is so overtaken by the greed of the slate, while Max casually picks it up. Zatanna as a hero does what she can to put others first, and thus resists the power of the Slate through her virtuous nature. Max on the other hand is thinking about his desires so frequently that he doesn't even realise the slate is giving him visions because thinking about what he wants 24/7 is just normal to him, thus it has little to no effect on him. It's not only hilarious plot wise, but is also really solid character building when he decides to destroy it.
1/3 c47 Guest
Hi, just wanted to say that this was an amazing story and I’m so glad you finished it. I remember reading this a few years ago and then only came back to it in the last couple weeks.
P.s please update great clan days
1/2 c1 10Silent0
prolly the best ive read dc wise. though you left way to many plot points unresolved rustles a feather in me. shouldnt have ended it where you did bud. 6/10
12/19/2024 c47 LyingReader
Not gonna lie(ignore username lol)…. One of the best DC fanfics I’ve seen
12/13/2024 c47 ChrisCage75
This is an awsome story I doubt we will ever get a part 2 or a sequel but I with his personality I'd love to see him become an orange(greed) lantern
12/8/2024 c1 PhilLordy
Nice first chapter.
11/6/2024 c5 Nwcleear
Genuinely why is this so good
10/25/2024 c47 jlpeters
it was a long two days that I spent reading this, but masterfully done work. I cried when Louis died, I reread when Black Adam intentionally zapped Max, and at the end... a happy smile. bravo and thank you for writing this. looking forward to all of your future works.
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