2/7/2020 c1 Guest
I lost this account but on cheepcheepkomi I have rewritten everything and I hope you head over there to continue my story
I lost this account but on cheepcheepkomi I have rewritten everything and I hope you head over there to continue my story
2/7/2020 c1 Guest
I really like what you're doing with the story
I really like what you're doing with the story
1/27/2016 c3 Guest
So good! Please continue!
So good! Please continue!
10/18/2015 c3 SimiParthenopaus
Oh please continue...you capture the essence that is the host club, although hika and kau aren't as perverted as they usually are...
Oh please continue...you capture the essence that is the host club, although hika and kau aren't as perverted as they usually are...
1/1/2015 c3 hot babe
Awwwwwwwwwwh that was so cute omg you better update soon dang it don't keep me waiting bitch I had to wait like a month last time ._.!
Awwwwwwwwwwh that was so cute omg you better update soon dang it don't keep me waiting bitch I had to wait like a month last time ._.!
12/3/2014 c2 love tatas
Cant wait for the third chapter! Ps if you do not stop touching me with your nasty ass toes ill cut them off and feed them to Jack Frost...
Cant wait for the third chapter! Ps if you do not stop touching me with your nasty ass toes ill cut them off and feed them to Jack Frost...
12/3/2014 c1 fluffy tatas
extremely well written keep up the amazing work! looking forward to the next chapter! 3
extremely well written keep up the amazing work! looking forward to the next chapter! 3
6/22/2014 c1 Guest
that's really good :)
that's really good :)