Just In
for When Time Stops

8/6/2014 c23 adenoide
When Harry was in the trouble with his family where were the wizards. Hermione want to know because she want help Harry or to satisfy her curiosity. Draco play with the fire, when he will go to kill someone maybe he could be proud.
8/4/2014 c22 Lucas
Nice update
8/6/2014 c23 Silvermane1
I hope Harry sues the prophet and ministry for badmouthing a minor without his consent to right an article about him
8/4/2014 c22 autumngold
Thank you for your excellent update! I am so glad that Harry is able to be honest about his sexual orientation. Maybe that will keep Ginny away. I am just sad, however, that Harry hasn't been able to meet with Zyren. If he has to go back around all of the judgemental idiots, he at least deserves to have some fun. Excellent new chapter! Can't wait to see what will happen next!
8/4/2014 c22 Silvermane1
great update
8/4/2014 c22 1daithi4377
LOL I have to laugh everytime I read hoopla about Harry being Gay. It is widely accepted on the magical world and really when did Harry ever do normal.
8/4/2014 c21 daithi4377
8/1/2014 c21 yngoldfogee
I've really enjoyed reading your story and look forward to more when you get the chance.
8/1/2014 c21 T
I just really like Harry and zyren, I hope you can maybe keep them together with Draco? Like he's the missing submissive?
8/1/2014 c21 Derek
Amazing update! But why kill Slughorn? He's always been a nice character. Does this mean Harry is going to be able to stop the Dark Lord without knowing about horcruxes, or does he already know about them? Too many question! Now I'm CRAVING another update ASAP!
8/1/2014 c21 autumngold
Thank you so much for your fabulous update! I know you keep warning us that Harry and Zyren don't belong together. but I keep hoping they just need a third? Maybe between the two of them they can save Draco from his fate. Wonderful new chapter! Can't wait for more!
7/31/2014 c20 Austin
Great chapter! Update soon!
7/31/2014 c20 Justin
Love the new chapter! I swear I called Zyren being added the moment you said Snape was staying potions teacher. Keep cranking out the updates, I want to see what's next!
8/1/2014 c21 Silvermane1
7/30/2014 c20 Wesley
Oh my god! From the moment that you had Dumbledore looking through replacements, I started to guess it was Zyren...and it was! Love the update! Please, write on!
Just an aside: watch where your commas are, b/c sometime it felt like you needed on where you didn't have one or vice versa. Still loved it though!
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