Just In
for When Time Stops

6/27/2014 c8 6Meany
Oh, wow. Interesting new characters! Good going!
6/26/2014 c11 Yana5
I really don't like Snape
6/26/2014 c11 405968
I really enjoy your story and encourage you to continue writing!
6/21/2014 c10 Fae0306
6/21/2014 c10 emthereble
wow love the plot.
6/21/2014 c10 Yana5
6/20/2014 c9 Yana5
6/18/2014 c9 jess271506
Oh how I love this wait for the next chapter
6/15/2014 c8 1geetac
I like the chapters
6/7/2014 c7 6Meany
Love your stories! And ah... It is VoldEmort. Sorry, wrong spelling bugs me.
6/2/2014 c6 adenoide
The only wish from Harry was to make a friend.
5/29/2014 c5 adenoide
Who said Harry had to fight Voldy until his horcruxes are death because the prophecy never said that. Harry want to save them when they never take time to train him to face Voldy. They send him out the school, my god when Harry will become less stupid.
5/30/2014 c5 3charm13insomnia
5/29/2014 c5 1geetac
I like the chapter
5/28/2014 c4 Fae0306
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