Just In
for When Time Stops

1/30/2015 c5 12I know okay
Hmm... That ought to be interesting.
1/30/2015 c4 I know okay
You didn't get a stupid captor, but where could you go? I bet people are looking for him.
1/30/2015 c3 I know okay
I can see how you would be torn. He saved his life, yes, but keeping him there against his will is another kind of prison.
1/30/2015 c2 I know okay
What does he plan to do with him?
1/30/2015 c1 I know okay
1/3/2015 c42 MargaritaS
aww, nice story :)
1/2/2015 c42 3Rekutsko
I can't even begin to voice my thoughts on this story. The only thing I can think of is how amazing and fantastic your work is. I did not put this down for a minute and read through it in only a couple days. You are quite possibly my most favorite oc writer and most original concept I've seen since my long seven year journey on fanfiction. Thank you, I cannot wait to see more of your work. If you ever get published, I will be waiting in line for your writing.
1/2/2015 c42 Miss Nailia
i just discovered the story and i read all in one day, it's beautiful and i loved it thank you for sharing it!
12/31/2014 c42 CassBerry
This was amazing and awesome. God I love this story! Thanks for writing it!
12/19/2014 c42 1Mystical-Elf-Of-Sorrow
Absolutely amazing story
12/14/2014 c42 Thumper56
I really like your writing. No problems at all following what was happening but completely unable to put it down... Even to sleep. :-). I caught a nap and got up in the middle of the night to keep reading. Harry needed an adult that would look out for him and you gave him that, lots of unpredictable twists and turns, good strong characters, really good story. Just a side note but I had to laugh at your note to missionary, I totally agree with you and am glad to see someone stand up to bullies like that.
12/2/2014 c42 1serenityselena
awesome story with a lot of interesting twists :)
11/29/2014 c42 Tinshaw
Excellent story. Wonderful plot, the take on vampires really great. Would want to know more about Luna and Neville but will imagine good things.
11/19/2014 c42 fightingforme
I absolutely love this book! Your writing talent is amazing!3
11/14/2014 c42 risky
the end of chap 41 had me crying, thinking "this is the perfect place to end it, the epilogue will probably ruin it all, why am I even going forward" and then I read the epilogue because I just couldn't leave it, I had to know what else there was, and now I'm crying so hard I'm hicupping because this was beautiful and I love it and I didn't think I could ever find an epilogue that could make such an amazing story even better and owh mai gawd make the tears stop!
and I almost didn't read because I don't normally like OCs being part of the main pair, but damn am I glad I did!
Thank you so so so much for writing and posting this story! I feel honored to just have been able to read it.
and the vampire thing was done very very well, and didn't touch on any standard cliches in a bad way. wonderful twist! so much love!
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