Just In
for Loving you is enough

12/23/2016 c1 8kroscetish
I've gotten cavities after reading this. Sweeeet!
11/12/2011 c1 IndulgeInTQismMSimsGP
Yet another long-winded and ranty review for another of your stories. I truly adored almost everything about this Mitsui X Miyagi, with few mixed feelings (and some of them just annoying nitpicking) :P


I absolutely adore pretty much every part and aspect of this story: pairing, characterization, storyline, details, character interaction, and characterization. You made me genuinely like Mitsui here (which is a very difficult thing to do, given how he is, and what he tried to do in the original series; I guess first impression just lasts); I guess a lot of it is how much in love he is in with Miyagi, and how the latter actually reciprocates that love quite evenly.

There were much more frequent and realistic conflicts (that went beyond skin deep, unlike Rukawa and Sakuragi’s in April 1st) between the lovers, yet I found their love for each other so genuine, sensitive, and sweet to the core (not to mention their interactions very, very adorable). IMO, you added so much human depth to Miyagi with your depiction of his struggles in fully accepting his homosexuality.


1) I kind of doubt either of them would’ve gotten into Tokyo University (unless my memory really failed me, isn’t that the top university in Japan, or something?), given their academic performance. And while they’re both great basketball players, they’d have plenty of competitors that rival or surpass their skills.

2) The movie sounded a bit boring, IMO; though on the other hand, I guess it can be interpreted as a sweet display of sensitivity on Mitsui’s part.

3) I thought Mitsui was going a bit overboard about (secretly) planning to track down and beat up Miyagi’s molester. The molester definitely was the more culpable party (beating up Miyagi badly, or PUBLICLY humiliating/tormenting him in ways that don’t involve fulfilling his sexual desires, would be much more justifiable retribution).

However, there was plenty of undeserved cruelty towards the molester on Miyagi’s part (as well as the fact that Miyagi was the one of the initial antagonizers), and I would imagine Miyagi & the guy who helped him already gave the molester a sound lesson (unless the molester somehow managed to get away). But of course, I doubt anyone THIS in love with Miyagi would be capable of rational fairness ;P

4) Like April 1st, I so wished this was an M-rated full of lemons, where we get to see Mitsui and Miyagi demonstrate their love & desire for each other :P
12/28/2006 c1 3tartar12345
Never thought a Mit/Miya could be written so sweet ^^
1/28/2006 c1 YoNoSoy
Whoa! This was a nice fic. I must confess that I love MitKo AND AyaRyou... But I do like this couple, they are just so much fun together! *lol* This fic was sweet! All their issues... Awe, so cute! *_*. Thank you for sharing it with us :D.
5/3/2003 c1 2wanling the great
this is a very good fic... very well-written... realistic and in-character... well done well done. *claps* heehee! besides it's probably the only GOOD LONG mitmiya fic around... write more! MITMIYA! too bad there're only like... 3 that i can find...
12/28/2002 c1 20qkslvr
Did I review this before? Hmm...guess I haven't. ^_^;;

But since I've read this quite sometime ago, I'll read it again...just to refresh...

Ahh...okay. Now I remember. I liked this one! I really did. Especially: "Married or not, loving you forever is what I wanna do, Ryota, that's all I wanna do."

That was just tooooooo sweeeet! Gosh, if someone told me that...I'd probably reply with something like, "How many children do you want?" Ehehehe...

Anyway...'tis gooooooood! *high five*
11/15/2002 c1 75vulpixfairy
this is quite new...this pairing...

although RuHana is still my favourite pairing...I give this story a thumbs up.

please view my work, if you want, onegai?

looking forward to read more of your work

10/30/2002 c1 brea
this is a welcome respite from the monotony of sdfics here in ffnet. i'd ignored ur fics b4 coz of l&b's mitko bit. and if you haven't come up with this, i would have missed the mitmiya bits in ur other fics. anyways, this is a great mitmiya fic so a review was in order...


great flow from start to end.

the visualization of the interaction between mitsui and miyagi was well done.

the conversations were well thought out.

the emotions were well played out.

the ending was touching.

cons: (don't be offended, ok?)

you used the word loose - i think it should be lose instead of loose, losing instead of loosing.

outcome: one hell of a story


a prequel for this fic centered on mitsui's chase of miyagi. it would be a blast to read how mitsui broke down miyagi's defenses. well, you're capable of making a story real and endearing so if you do it, it would be another mitmiya fic to remember.

well, keep on writing. looking forward for more mitmiyas and that senhiko fic.
10/29/2002 c1 4sLL
Awww... that was soooooo sweet!

Okayy... i admit i don't like the MitMiya pairing... but then the way you tell the story.. I was like, Wow!

Heheh... they're just so sweet together in your story that i just can't help accepting the pairing! Though i DO like MitRu and MitKosh.. ^.^ Anyways.. Great job and a beautiful piece of writing there!

Hope to see more of your writing soon, if i can recall correctly i did read some of your past pieces and they were just as good... Nice!

Write more... I'll be reviewing!


10/29/2002 c1 7Liez
This was so lovely, Yenny. :)
10/29/2002 c1 kyou
Cool, you're back! With a cool story too! I'm a RuHanaRu fan, but I always enjoy alternative pairings like this one, when they are interesting like this one. Hope you keep writing!
10/29/2002 c1 hi-chan
Hey there... nice MitMiya fic you got going... love Miyagi's past... ^^;; Write more...

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