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10/17 c15 vepattinson
Li sua história hoje e estou amando ,por favor continue
7/14 c15 amgcat
i love where this is going. please say that you are writing more and more. how does harry react when they visit? does tony and steve meet sooner? is hermione every hurt? does she create things magical or mundane? how do the two worlds collide? is it before or after the avengers plot lines? does she find out about thor beforehand?
2/7 c1 shymysteria
Every few months I will reread this story. I adore it so much. It is very beautifully written and having Hermione at the center is fantastic. I have to say this is a story I will always recommend and remember.
12/4/2023 c15 2blackbloodywolf
I think it would be hilarious if this form was how Tony "discovered" captain America
8/14/2023 c15 Clark959
Enjoyed reading this so far. Look forward to more.
7/24/2023 c15 alexaguamenti
I know it’s been a minute since you’ve updated, but i really hope you come back to this story soon! You deal with Hermione’s mental state in a realistic way, and i love the relationship between Tony et. al and Hermione.
5/13/2023 c15 Juvia21
please please please update again soon I love this story
5/4/2023 c15 3daydreamer1119
I love your story! Cant wait for an update:)
4/2/2023 c1 lucifyr04
I just want to share. When I first watch anything Marvel, I kinda like SHIELD. But now, after countless of fanfictions that I've read, I'm a bit wary.
3/14/2023 c15 Guest
Cute story!
3/14/2023 c15 AestheticReader
I love the way Tony and Rhodes were speculating everything about Hermione and the way your mind works on all of these things is amazing. I am looking forward to how this story will move foreward
3/14/2023 c14 AestheticReader
I have not been in this sight for awhile but to see this updated is everything! I loved every interaction between Hermione and Steve that I look forward to more and also the sibling vibes between Hermione and Tony as well. Though because I see Tony and Hermione as sibling like that I think it his reaction would be funny to see Hermione out on a date lmfaaoo
3/13/2023 c15 15Tametiger
Can't wait for the next chapter! I adore this story.
3/12/2023 c15 aiachrstn0809
i hope you update huhu this is so gooddd
3/4/2023 c15 Guest
I've been following your story for years. I'm so glad you updated. It's a really good story so far.
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