Just In
for She

9/2/2014 c55 Borntocontest
and she’s pushing him away…
9/2/2014 c54 Borntocontest
Oh boy.. it can’t be that easy…
9/2/2014 c52 Borntocontest
ughr I can’t stand her. I know she is right to have issues with Izzy, but still…
9/2/2014 c51 Borntocontest
“I’m beyond reason” I like it. It sounds very true.
9/2/2014 c50 Borntocontest
Oh my… She’s really lonely, isn’t she? :(
9/2/2014 c49 Borntocontest
Looks like Izzy knows a little too much about violence
9/2/2014 c48 Borntocontest
Rose’s fate is inevitable, apparently :(
9/1/2014 c35 harleys
9/1/2014 c78 maggiejoma
totally awesome story...thank you so much...:)
9/1/2014 c78 MsLiss
Such joy
Thank you
9/1/2014 c62 MsLiss
9/1/2014 c58 MsLiss
Bloody hell Edward
9/1/2014 c1 TwiFanfictionRecs
She has been nominated in the poll to find the Top 10 fics completed in August on www . twifanfictionrecs . com
9/1/2014 c38 MsLiss
Kate is amazing
8/31/2014 c1
She has been added to the Featured Fics Library on www . twifanfictionrecs . com ;-)
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