Just In
for An Unexpected Voice

1/22/2024 c15 Shadow Wolf 15846
Nice! I Hope that you will keep writing this story.
10/6/2022 c15 skylorbaker14
I’m going to wait tell there’s more chapters to read on! I’ve been loving this fanfiction and I binged all the hobbit today! It’s been amazing and I hope there will be more one day, hopefully soon
4/13/2022 c15 Tincy
Loooove it!
9/3/2019 c1 Guest
Use commas and other punctuation.

Check your spelling.

Proof-read your fiction. Properly paragraph dialogue.

What the fuck is this Japanese "Ja Nae [sic]" shit you got here?
8/31/2019 c15 6Searece
This is so gooood! I hope it's continued someday. Also, seeing their reactions to her Thu'um would be awesome. XD
8/31/2019 c12 Searece
Ah, wrong guess. Well, I can fantasize, can't I? I enjoyed this chapter a lot! Also Bilbo. Gotta love Bilbo.
8/31/2019 c11 Searece
I would love a translation as to the Dovahzul in the chapter! And EEEEE she absorbed Smaug's soul. XD I wasn't sure that would happen. And I bet Legolas totally saved her. Gonna go to the next chapter and find out!
5/9/2019 c3 Dovahkiin56
Parthonax is actually spelled Parthurnaax.
4/17/2019 c15 Heartfire12
Super Histoire
1/12/2019 c14 Nikkless
just hoped that she would have used more different shouts
1/12/2019 c12 Nikkless
would have liked to see peoples reactions whes she absorbed Smaughs soul
1/12/2019 c15 Nikkless
hope you will continue this
1/12/2019 c10 Nikkless
hope she uses dragonrend
1/12/2019 c1 Nikkless
hope its dragon leather
12/31/2018 c1 Guest
there is somethings I want to point out, small mistakes but irritating to read.. like defiantly, it should be Definitely, there and their, hoard and horde.. etc.. becareful, you don't want to embarrass yourself as an author..
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