Just In
for A New Start RE-WRITTEN as ASSOC

6/15/2014 c6 Bluefeather4299
Great job! Can't wait to read more! :)
6/14/2014 c4 Bluefeather4299
Great chapter! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to read more :)
6/13/2014 c1 Bluefeather4299
Good job on the first chapter! Can't wait to red more! :)
6/15/2014 c6 Lady Minuialwen
Lol I loved that episode :) Ratchet was creepy though
6/15/2014 c5 Lady Minuialwen
Lol :)
6/15/2014 c6 6Esperanza Hyde the Vamp Queen
XD Poor Ratchet. I thought those projects were good.
And poor Emma. I hope her father dies in a hole and doesn't come looking for her.
6/15/2014 c6 7Optimus is Bae 17
Its really good I can't wait plus you right chapters really fast it take me hours to write one
6/14/2014 c4 Lady Minuialwen
Great story :) Please continue
6/14/2014 c4 Redder45
Great story so far, please update soon.
6/14/2014 c2 Optimus is Bae 17
no keep going, I want to see what happens next
6/14/2014 c4 6Esperanza Hyde the Vamp Queen
This is really good! If it's a RatchetxOC story, then I'm all for it! Update soon!
6/13/2014 c1 7Optimus is Bae 17
Its really good dont stop
6/13/2014 c1 6Esperanza Hyde the Vamp Queen
This is good so far. I wonder which bot she's gonna get as a guardian?
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