Just In
for Where did that Nuke come from?

5/29/2021 c1 CM
What does my existence mean? This, apparently. Not a bad existence, really.
4/15/2015 c1 Guest
interesting, extremely long as well
2/25/2015 c1 StellaSlomp
Thing about this is, I feel sorry for Jaron. ... Nobody knew or cared... Yeah, bout that. Aren't you meant to be like, his best-friend? Otherwise I did like this. I think you should write more and I'd love to convert you to my fandom ;) ;P We have had that discussion many times... :)

-Stella :)

P.S: I finally reviewed! And just a suggestion, but maybe you could make your story a little longer next time :P
10/4/2014 c1 8Rayany Amor
I dunno why but it made me laugh XD That's prooobably not a good thing but eh. Love it though, heck you could even make a fanfiction out of it XD I could see it happening. And quit hating on yourself, your a great writer not nearly as bad as you portrayed it, I mean poor Jaron. In fact, this short 72ish word long fic is waaaay better than some of the other ones I've read, completely serious. I figured that since you read my story and leave such magical comments I could come and read and comment on yours at the very least. So to wrap this all up; thank you so much. Really. It's really great having you as a reader and even greater as a reviewer. I look forward to your words the most because your just that awesome. I hope you have a great fulfilling life and I hope that people will treasure you always, you're a great person. Thank you again )
9/7/2014 c1 I-Nex-I
10/10 IGN
7/12/2014 c1 EZ9243
Congratulations! *fake cheering and applause from game shows* This is the second-shortest story I've ever seen (the shortest is literally 5 words).
7/9/2014 c1 3SoloMafia

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