Just In
for The Ray of the Morning Sunshine

6/23/2014 c1 2ili777
Great work writing this story I really liked the plot and characters, though I do have to say, with no offence, your grammar is messed up, I wouldn't point this out, if it didn't make it difficult to read, so I suggest you find a beta and get your mistakes correct cause the story is so nice to be left like that. :/
And you wouldn't be so kind as to re-write this, only in a multi-fic and with more plot details (without deleting this one), it's just that it's such a nice story I want it to be longer and more descriptive.
I would really liked a sequel too, but it has to be about Misaki and AKihiko.
Thanks for writing this :)
6/23/2014 c1 OrangeJuice
I've always liked junjou romantica kingdom AU! I like your story :) sequel please
6/22/2014 c1 Primordium
I liked it! You should make a sequel! n_n
6/22/2014 c1 Guest
this story is really interesting. i hope you can make sequel of this :)
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