Just In
for Not So Subtle

7/9/2014 c1 1GeekItUp
Great story! The ending made me very happy.
6/28/2014 c1 34Trust Gavroche
Wow, this is amazing! I'm a total sucker for E/R fluff and you definitely didn't disappoint. I love how Combeferre suspected it all along and of course, the "if you ever hurt my friend" talk. Brava!
6/26/2014 c1 84Rosebud5
THE ENDING LEFT ME GRINNING LIKE A MANIAC. Oh my goodness dear this was simply too perfect! So precious, and exactly how Ferre would "find out." Wonderful and beautiful job! A!

Stay revolutionary!

6/26/2014 c1 15France1832
This is so cute! I love it! _ it's interesting for me to see how people manage to write E/R fics because it seems so impossible, but it really want it to happen. It's hard to imagine Enjolras that...human, but I liked it and I mean, Enjolras is really a symbol, so I guess you have to make him a bit more human in fanfiction for anything to make sense :P
Great job!
6/26/2014 c1 FreedomFighter
I love it when you write ExR! This is wonderful and so, so sweet! Aw, darling Enjy and Grantaire. I like how you wrote Combeferre in this piece. It would make sense that he'd have the talk with both his friends
6/26/2014 c1 Guest
Aw this was so cute! I love blushing Enjolras. Really good :)
6/25/2014 c1 42Phoenixflames12
'Now, Grantaire… You know Enjolras is like a brother to me'- why do I get the impression that Combeferre's is looking down at Grantaire almost owlishly here? This is perfect my friend- absolutely perfect- I adore Enjolras and Grantaire's initial awkwardness and just everything here is just stunningly beautiful! Well done!
Much love,
Phoenixflames12 xxx
6/25/2014 c1 25Redrose001
This is so cute, So many feels! Good work,

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