Just In
for The Ties That Bind

7/15/2014 c8 FemslashLover101
Please cause another conflict
7/14/2014 c6 WickedEvilPanda
Aww thank you so much for the shout out, you're the first one ever to do it to me and that made me smile so thanks a lot again
Oh Dark Savior I like this title, evil Emma is getting cooler cooler. I so loved how Ruby protected Regina and tried to protect Emma from herself, great chapter
7/14/2014 c7 anon010222
Rumpel will be brought to justice. I'm excited to see however his trial happens.
7/13/2014 c7 FemslashLover101
Thanks for the chapter can't wait for the next one
7/13/2014 c6 4KooshGID
I just binged this story. Can't wait for more. I love this idea :)
7/13/2014 c6 anon010222
Oh, I really want more of a magical showdown with Emma against the Dark One. It seems that he alwasy seem to wiggle out of trouble. Hopefully, Regina, Ruby, and Belle can convince Emma that Regina didn't kill Zelena.
7/12/2014 c6 4Revengest
Great story.
7/12/2014 c6 FemslashLover101
Make regina try to get through Emma but she doesn't listen cause she ripped out her heart
7/12/2014 c2 Scout-Reads
Henry turned from a judgemental brat into a stepped son: lucky Regina! I jest.

But, I totally loved Emma's rant about Snow and the townsfolk. Great point about doling out second chances.

I still hope that Emma is seduced sexually as well (what? Femslash lover here ;-)

Thanks for writing; digging this!
7/12/2014 c6 Guest
I love your writing! But man this story is breaking my heart for Emma. :-(

Can't wait for the next chapter though!
7/12/2014 c1 Scout-Reads
Love the premise!

Totally behind in watching the show, which doesn't matter when the story is well written :-)

I wouldn't mind a little seduction from the Wicked Witch... That would be wicked cool!
7/12/2014 c6 3haveawish
aww poor Rubes... :(
7/9/2014 c5 Baccan
ooh, that Rumple needs to get his behind kicked.
7/8/2014 c5 FemslashLover101
When is the next chapter
7/7/2014 c2 WickedEvilPanda
Oh my Gosh this is so so great ! The way you're describing the similarities between Zelena & Emma is so wow, very good job
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